
Cute Cherry

Sunday, August 18, 2013

It's been a while~

Hello my dears,

it's been a long time since my last entry. I was very busy and I had to look for a new job. I am so happy that I found one in a lawyer's office again. I really like it there so far but the programme they use is totally different to the one I had in the other office. I still need to get accustomed to it. In addition it's a very big office with 11 lawyers. In the other office there were only 4 lawyers. It's a little difficult for me to start from the beginning again and that I have to learn so many new things cause everything's different in comparison to my old work.

Anyway I am happy to earn money so that I can continue saving money for my holiday in Japan next year in March. Few days ago I got a message from the airline that my flight has been changed. First I was a little shocked as there also was written that the terminal where I will arrive in Nagoya is not available. So I called the hotline of the airline immediately and they told me that just the time of my return flight has changed. I won't start at 11:05 pm but 11:10 pm ww. Concerning to the terminal that is not available they informed me that my flight is only next year in March so it's still not certain at which terminal I will arrive.

By the way I changed my hair color. I just don't wanted to be blonde anymore as I had to dye my hairline so often. I decided to become light brown. Look at this ↓

But after a while my hair kinda became lighter and lighter so at the end it looked like blonde again. So I decided to dye my hair by myself again. But this time in a darker brown. After dyeing it became a little too dark as I wanted a middle brown color. I think it also looks good (・ω・)

Yesterday it happened something really funny!
I went to Ulm together with my boyfriend for shopping. When we wanted to go back to the parking garage to go home we saw someone who looked exactly like Bill of Tokio Hotel ! He was with a friend. First we was like "Is he Bill?!" I decided to go to him to ask for a photo with him although I was not sure if he really was it. But I liked his style! He laughed and agreed. Before taking the photo he told us that he isn't Bill and took off his sunglases. Okay, without sunglases he doesn't really look like Bill. But after my boyfriend took the photo we talked a while and they both were really nice. It was really funny. Made my day (*´ω`*)

Yeah, that's it for now.

Hope I am able to blog quite often again.

Bye Bye (・ω・)ノ


  1. i like your new color, suit you vary well^^!!

    congratulation for teh new job:)!!


  2. Deine Haare gefallen mir dunkler echt voll gut. :) Steht dir super.

    Freut mich, dass du einen neuen Job hast. Und ja, sich umzugewöhnen ist immer doof am Anfang. Kenn das auch, aber mit der Zeit wird es besser. :)

    Haha und der Typ sieht mit Sonnenbrille echt aus wie Bill. xD Lustig. Das ist sicher Absicht. ;D


  3. @kanan hime: thank you very much (*´ω`*)

    @loveprate: danke, ich finde mit dunkleren Haaren wirke ich nicht so blass :D

    ja ist immer komisch am anfang, aber langsam wirds. hab mich auch schon gut eingearbeitet ^^

    ja total ! xD ich hatte mich mit ihm unterhalten. er sagte, erst war es zufall, dass er verwechselt worden ist, aber mittlerweile gefällt ihm der style einfach und belässt es daher dabei :D

  4. hallöchen meine liebe >u<
    hahaha der schaut ja wirklich wie dieser bill aus :D
    btw ~~~ wurdest gerade von mir getagged ~~
    würde mich freuen wenn du mit machst :D <3

    gaaanz lieben gruß ^3^
