
Cute Cherry

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Relaxing day

I took a bath today with the bath liquid Aika has send me ^^ It smelled of hibiscus flower and the bathing water was pink (^^)

Bath Liquid

Few weeks ago I got a Shiseido make-up brush from my darling <3
I really love Shiseido but it's quite expensive in Germany.
I also bought Shiseido Shampoo and Conditioner when I was in Japan as it wasn't really expensive. 
Sadly I can't find that Shampoo in Germany (T_T)

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Present from Aika

Yesterday my present from Aika arrived. I'm so happy! She has send me so many nice things like the new Ageha, choco panda and bath salt. She also wrote me a very cute letter ヾ(@°▽°@)ノ Thank you!!